About Us


The Regina Improvisation Studies Centre, located in in the Humanities Research Institute at the University of Regina, acts as a connective tissue linking and supporting artists and scholars interested in the social and cultural possibilities of improvisatory activity. We have been running since 2013, but our ongoing plan is to create a database of improvising artists and organizations and network and share resources, develop community-based projects utilizing improvisation; and provide support for Saskatchewan students and Faculty at the University of Regina to research case studies in contemporary improvisation and to continue to connect with an international network of scholars and artists working in this area. 

We hope you can join us!
Contact us by emailing Rebecca Caines at the University of Regina.
Initial Site visit by the IICSI team to Regina 2013
[IICSI Community Engagement Officer Liz Jackson, RISC director Rebecca Caines, IICSI Project Director Ajay Heble,  then Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts (now the Faculty of MAP), University of Regina, Sheila Petty, then VPR University of Regina David Malloy]

History of RISC

The Regina Improvisation Studies Centre started at the University of Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, in response to a growing sense that critical studies in improvisation, and improvising art practices were both important areas of Saskatchewan cultural activity. Through participation in the Improvisation, Community, and Social Practice (ICASP) project based at the University of Guelph (supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council), individual researchers from SK had begun connecting with an international body of scholars and artists looking to improvisation for new knowledge on identity, community, and expression. The centre then joined ICASP scholars in building a proposal for a brand new International Institute for Critical Studies in Improvisation (IICSI) and in 2013, SSHRC awarded a 2.5 million dollar grant to support this new institute. IICSI links six universities and institutions across Canada into a seven year partnership exploring improvisation across disciplines. RISC is delighted to be part of this important international partnership.

 In 2016, the Centre also became recognized as a Faculty-based Research Centre in the Faculty of Media, Art, and Performance at the University of Regina.


 There is a strong team of Faculty researchers at RISC investigating improvisation across a range of different disciplines and interests (see researchers for more information). These researchers are supported by graduate and undergraduate students from across participating Faculties. We also have a fantastic array of community and artistic partners working with the Centre. Our projects also connect with our partners across Canada through the IICSI network.
The researchers and community partner representatives act as an advisory team for the director of the Centre, and meet annually.
To find out more, contact us, or read about current projects here.