New improv tool project launches!

Exciting news, the "Playing to Our Strengths Community Improv Toolkit" has gone national! People allover Canada are using the new set of cards to build their own projects. Please visit the site and spread the word about this free resource.

Whitehorse Star features the Playing to Our Strengths Improv Project

Helen Pridmore- Acting Director of RISC- 2017-2018

Rebecca Caines is on sabbatical July 2017-July 2018, so Helen Pridmore will be taking on the role of acting director, please contact her for more information about the Centre.

Check out her professional website here to see some of her inspiring improvised work:

Improvisation and Mobility Conference a huge success

Thanks to everyone who made the Improvisation and Mobility Conference and Festival a huge success.

You can still see the schedule and speaker bios here: 

We will let you know when the videos are available online.

Looking forward to the conference and festival this week!

It is getting close, we look forward to welcoming international researchers and artists to Regina May 10-15, 2017. Visit the conference website for the schedule and details.